The Most Common Lens Designs

Single Vision
Single vision lenses provide correction for a single focal length over the entire area of the lens. It is commonly used for distance, intermediate, or reading glasses.

Bifocal lenses corrects for distance vision on the top and reading vision on the bottom. The two areas of vision are divided by a segment line that runs horizontally across the lens.

Progressive lenses, also known as no-line bifocals, provide a smooth continuous field of vision at near, intermediate, and distant focal ranges. Progressives eliminate unsettling image jumps that occur on conventional bifocals and trifocals, and are more cosmetically appealing due to the no line on the lenses.
We offer a wide range of progressive lenses from manufacturer such as Zeiss, Hoya, Seiko, Shamir, and Essilor.
Anti-Reflective Coating
Anti-Reflective coating is ideal for night time driving and computer usage. The addition of anti-reflective coating enhances the appearance of the lenses by reducing glares and light reflection. The reduction of glare is will make the lenses less noticeable, creates more contrast, and reduces eye fatigue.
We have access to a variety of coatings such as Essilor Crizal, Prevencia blue cut AR, and Zeiss AR.
Transition Lenses
Transition lenses are self-darkening lenses that are nearly clear indoors and at night, but darken automatically with exposure to sunlight or ultraviolent rays.
Transition lenses are available in options such as standard transitions, transition vantage, and transition XTRActive.
Computer & Occupational Lens Designs

Computer and occupational lenses refers to specifically designed lenses to provide optimum vision range for specific jobs or hobbies such as artists, musicians, electricians and those that work with computers. Customized lenses enhance intermediate vision, while reducing symptoms such as eye strain, headache, dryness, and blurriness caused by wearing incompatible lenses. We also recommend adding blue cut coating on these lenses to protect against harmful blue light.
What are blue cut lenses?
Blue light are emitted from digital devices such as TV, computer, cell phone, and tablets. Exposure to blue light can create irritable and strain eyes, as well as interfere with your sleeping cycle. By adding the blue cut feature to your lenses, it will prevent blue light from passing through the lens and provide a more comfortable wearing experience.
Digital, Free-Form Lens designs
Digital lenses, also known as free-form or high-definition lenses, utilize computer aided surfacing to optimize visual clarity. This manufacturing process enhances contrast and color perception, in addition to reducing glare.
Digital lenses are available for single vision and progressive lenses.
Polarized Lenses
Polarized lenses contain a special chemical film that neutralize glare, improve visual comfort and provide a better contrast and color perception than regular tinted lenses. This type of lenses is beneficial for driving, water activities, and for any outdoor enthusiasts.